For Homes & Landscaping
Protect the plants you love with our all-season animal repellent
Buy Now FAQProven effective and long-lasting protection you can trust!
Plantskydd® Animal Repellents are trusted, cost-effective, and environmentally safe.
Plantskydd stimulates a fear-based response which will have: Deer, Elk, Moose, Rabbit, Hares, Voles, Squirrels, Chipmunks, and other herbivores looking to dine somewhere other than your garden, nursery, orchard, or tree plantation.
100% Natural Plantskydd is the first animal repellent listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production.
Independent research show Plantskydd repellents out-lasts and out-performs all other-repellents
— up to 90+ days on dormant plants!
Moose will devastate fruit trees in just one visit! I live in Wasilla Alaska and have a small orchard of which I am quite proud. We have lots of moose here and they will devastate fruit trees in just one visit! I have tried 8′ wire fencing, which they leap or push over, and a… Read More
I read about Plantskydd in one of your newsletters and also saw the “testimonial” from a lady in Montreal who used it and saved all her tulip bulbs. I was intrigued because I have a problem with rabbits eating everything. I bought a bottle and aside from the smell/color, it seems to be working! Nothing… Read More
“This Plantskydd Repellent works so well it almost sounds too good to be true.” Excerpt from— Ben Meadows Company Catalog, 2008-09 “We tried just about every product on the market and were ready to throw our hands in the air when we decided to give Plantskydd’s spray a go. Made in the USA, 100% natural, with environmentally friendly… Read More
Shotgun for deer no longer needed ! My husband went ahead and purchased a couple boxes of Plantskydd locally — wanted to see how it worked. I have to share this with you. We sprayed Wednesday AM — mostly because there were 6 HUGE bucks in our backyard this morning. One had antlers so… Read More
“30 whitetail deer crossing my small-truck, vegetable farm” Just wanted to say thanks for a GREAT product that made my life easier. And to tell you some success stories I, and others, have experienced using the new Plantskydd ® Granular Repellent. A couple of years ago I had a herd of 30 whitetail deer crossing my… Read More
Lilies, asters, hydrangeas and phlox Just wanted to let you know how fantastic this product is! My husband and I were plagued with 7-10 deer each day feasting at the “salad bar” that we had planted. They had eaten countless dollars of lilies, asters, hydrangeas and phlox right down to the ground. Nothing kept them… Read More