For Homes & Landscaping
Protect the plants you love with our all-season animal repellent
Buy Now FAQProven effective and long-lasting protection you can trust!
Plantskydd® Animal Repellents are trusted, cost-effective, and environmentally safe.
Plantskydd stimulates a fear-based response which will have: Deer, Elk, Moose, Rabbit, Hares, Voles, Squirrels, Chipmunks, and other herbivores looking to dine somewhere other than your garden, nursery, orchard, or tree plantation.
100% Natural Plantskydd is the first animal repellent listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production.
Independent research show Plantskydd repellents out-lasts and out-performs all other-repellents
— up to 90+ days on dormant plants!
There is not a single sign of rabbit damage. This product is magic !!! Thank you, for introducing Plantskydd! The price of the package I bought cost us about the same as one plant that the @#$%^& rabbit destroyed last year. And he/she totaled about 30 of them on continuing basis. Our garden is now… Read More
I read about Plantskydd in one of your newsletters and also saw the “testimonial” from a lady in Montreal who used it and saved all her tulip bulbs. I was intrigued because I have a problem with rabbits eating everything. I bought a bottle and aside from the smell/color, it seems to be working! Nothing… Read More
Plantskydd saved me thousands of dollars in shrubs and perennials! I first want to tell you I love your product. I live on an acre of property that is beautifully landscaped and about 5-6 years ago the deer in the area changed their appetites and now my yard is like a giant salad bar. Your… Read More
We have used all of the deer repellents out there. Plantskydd Deer Repellent is the only one that has done the job for us !
“… My biggest problem has always been VOLES” I bought your Plantskydd about six weeks ago because of rabbits and deer. My biggest problem has always been voles, and I didn’t expect that Plantskydd would work on them, but I haven’t had any vole damage since June 23, right after spraying the Plantskydd. I am… Read More
I have only had to apply Plantskydd once this season! Last summer a family of deer ate the buds off approximately 75 lilies on my property. At the height of summer, the flowers I count on to add color to my property didn’t appear. Instead I just had green leaves and empty green stems…. Read More