Frequently Asked Questions about Plantskydd

What is Plantskydd?

Made from (porcine or bovine) dried blood, vegetable oil, and water. An EPA exempted, minimum risk pesticide, and is exempt from Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act requirements, specifically under Section 25(b).

The EPA has determined… the use of these* pesticides poses insignificant risks to human health or the environment. The agency…is responding to society’s increasing demand for more natural and benign methods of pest control. 
Is Plantskydd safe to use?

Yes! Plantskydd is made in the U.S.A. Pronounced plant-skid, it contains no synthetic additives, is 100% natural, and is not harmful to animals or the environment when used as directed.

ButterflyPlantskydd is Swedish for ‘plant-protection,’ where it was first developed to protect its vast tree plantations from browsing by deer, rabbits and moose—while also adhering to its strict environmental laws.

It is equally effective protecting ornamentals, shrubs, trees, and food crops—and safe for pollinators too!

*when used as directed.


Is Plantskydd really organic?

Plantskydd is the first animal repellent OMRI Listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute as suitable for use in the production of organic food and is USDA approved for organic gardening.

How is Plantskydd different from other repellents?

Unlike other repellents that quickly lose their effectiveness after irrigating or rainfall, Plantskydd is rain and snow resistant. It does not require immediate re-application and is now the #1 animal repellent choice of professional growers, foresters, and landscapers.

Why does Plantskydd work so well?

Plantskydd repels by emitting an odor browsing animals associate with predator activity—stimulating a fear-based response that will have garden feeders looking for somewhere else to dine. Research* has proven odor based repellents are more effective than other repellents. Animals avoid plants before they bite—not after! Plantskydd is proven effective against: deer, rabbits, elk, moose, voles, squirrels, and chipmunks.

View over 50 Field Tests conducted by researchers, farmers, foresters, growers and professional landscapers in the USA, Canada, and Sweden

* Studies investigating trends in efficacy of deer repellents indicate that, of the 20 products tested, repellents with active ingredients that emitted sulfurous odors i.e., bloodmeal or egg solids, generally provided the best results.”
—Nolte & Wagner, USDA / APHIS, National Wildlife Research Center, Olympia, WA. (Advances and Challenges in Forest Regeneration – 2000)

Read our field trials

What Plantskydd formula is best for me?

Deer, Moose, Elk—use Liquid or Powder Concentrate

Rabbits, Voles, Chipmunk, Squirrels—use Granular


Pre-mixed, Ready-to-Use Liquid

  • 1 quart spray—protects over 100 plants, 1 ft high
  • 1.3 gallon—protects 500-600 plants, 1 ft high

Soluble-Powder Concentrate (mix-your-own)

  • 1 lb—protects over 400 plants 1 ft high (makes 4 qts)
  • 2.2 lb—protects over 900 plants 1 ft high (makes 10 qts)
  • Bulk 22 lb—protects over 9000 plants 1 ft high
    (ideal for agriculture, golf courses, and large estate landscapes)

Granular Formulation
Best for plants under 2 feet high

  • 3.5 lb—protects approx. 1,750 sq.ft
  • 8 lb—protects approx. 4,000 sq.ft
  • Bulk 20 lb—protects approx. 10,000 sq.ft
    (ideal for agriculture, golf courses, and large estate landscapes)
Can I use Plantskydd on my vegetable garden?

Yes! Plantskydd Granular is safe for use in protecting vegetables, legumes, fruit and other food crops from animal browse damage when used as directed.

The granular formulation is a great choice for leafy greens.

How can I protect my bulbs?

Spray bulbs and allow to dry, then plant. When using Granular, we recommend sprinkling it into the hole as well as onto soil surface.

Is it okay to spray on all flowers?

Yes! Plantskydd can be be used on flowers. It will darken lighter leaves and petals temporarily.

For sensitive plants (e.g., roses) we suggest you test samples before treating large numbers (wait 24 hours).

Spray as a fine mist, and apply to the stems and underside of leaves if you are concerned about discoloration.




How can I protect fruit trees?

Whips—if you’re planting fruit tree whips, dip them in Plantskydd solution before planting, or coat the stems/trunk using a paint brush. Then spray trees when leaves have formed.

Mature trees—spray more often at a dilute rate during fast growth phase. Treatment over foliage is enough to deter browsing herbivores.



How often do I need to treat my plants and trees?
  • For best protection—treat plants before animal browse begins, in spring or fall.
  • Treat new growth during the active growing season—every 2-4 weeks.
  • Plantskydd liquid formulation lasts up to 6 months over winter on dormant plants.
  • IMPORTANT—spray liquid Plantskydd on dry plants—allow to dry for 24 hours.
  • Plantskydd is rain-resistant.
  • Ideally, spray during the morning or late afternoon, when temperature is above freezing.
  • Granular Plantskydd may be applied at anytime. Re-apply every 6 to 8 weeks, and as required.
How do I mix Plantskydd Powder Concentrate?

Dilution Rates

Use full strength for maximum plant protection, and overwinter applications:

1 cup Plantskydd / 1 quart water

1lb Plantskydd / 1 gallon (4 qts) water

During periods of new plant growth:

1/2 cup Plantsydd / 1 quart water

1/2 lb Plantskydd / 1 gallon (4 qts) waters

Apply every 2-3 weeks

Always treat new growth

Small Batch Mixing Steps

  1. Pour powder concentrate into mixing container.
  2. Slowly stir water into powder to make a lumpless paste/slurry. Using a whisk is ideal.
  3. Add remaining water. Stir gently to avoid foaming. Allow to stand for a few minutes.
  4. Pour mixed solution through reusable strainer (included), then into a hand or backpack sprayer.
Will PlantskyddÂŽ work in areas with heavy rainfall / snow?

Plantskydd is long lasting, even in wet weather. Our repellents will last 3+ months on dormant plants overwinter.

How long after spraying does Plantskydd need to dry?

Allow Plantskydd liquid spray formulation to dry for 24 hours prior to watering plants or rainfall. If it rains within 24 hours of application, it should be reapplied.

Plantskydd granular formulations can be applied anytime.
To activate granules, lightly water the area where granules have been applied. More frequent application may be necessary during periods of heavy, prolonged rainfall.

Can you spray repellents on wood, vinyl, concrete, etc ?

Do not spray liquid repellents directly on wood, vinyl, concrete, furniture, fences or other building surfaces. To protect building structures, use a granular repellent as a perimeter barrier.

How should I store Plantskydd?

Protect from heat. Store in cool, dry, location. Keep from freezing.

  • Powder Concentrate (mix your own)—lasts 5+ years in its original package. Once mixed into solution, use within a few days. Apply unused solution as a fertilizer. Tightly re-seal unused powder.
  • Ready-to-use Liquid—use within 3 months of opening. Keep the cap. 
  • Prevent Sprayer from Clogging—after use, remove sprayer, flush with water and replace lid with original cap. See more info under “How to store Plantskydd RTU”.
  • Plantskydd is a 100% natural, organic product, and will start to go off in warm weather. Once mixed into solution, use within a few days.
  • Granular—lasts 5+ years in its original packaging.


 View or Download Printable FAQ Brochure

How to store your Plantskydd RTU sprayer & avoid clogging

Please hold onto the original white screw cap upon purchase.  

Before use: 

  • shake the bottle vigorously,  
  • insert the sprayer, and
  • apply a fine mist directly onto your plants.

When you’ve completed your application: 

  • remove the sprayer,
  • flush with warm water, and  
  • secure the original white cap on the bottle.  

Leave the sprayer out until next use. 

Shaking the bottle before use ensures any of the active ingredient that may have settled to the bottom goes back into suspension. Flushing the sprayer out after use will help prevent the liquid from drying within the sprayer. 

We recommend using Plantskydd ready to use liquid within 3 months of opening. While the product is still effective after this point, it can become thick and difficult to apply with the sprayer. 

Need more assistance? Give us a call at 1-800-252-6051.

Will Plantskydd hurt my dog?

Some users have reported that the family dog is quite enamoured with Plantskydd when it is initially sprayed on plants. It will not harm animals, but it’s best to leave Fido inside, until treated plants are dry (2-3 hrs).

What other benefits does Plantskydd have?

Plantskydd’s active ingredient has long been recognized as an organic (12N) fertilizer.

“All plants tested that were treated with Plantskydd were larger, had more flowers and generally had greener leaves. This response is typical of the response created by an increased level of fertilization.”
—E. Jay Holcomb, Professor of Floriculture, Penn State University
Is there a Plantskydd retailer near me?

We support thousands of local independent retailers, check out our retailer locator below to find a location near you!

Don’t see your local retailer? Give us a call at 1-800-252-6051 or email [email protected] with their name and location and we’ll reach out!


Retail Locator

Have another question?

Contact us at [email protected] or 1-800-252-6051 ext. 1.

How can you get peace of mind that your garden will thrive?

Protect your plants with Plantskydd!

Liquid / Pre-Mixed

Sizes: 32 oz, 1.3 Gallon
Treats: 32 oz = approx. 100 plants 1 ft tall
Best for: plants over 2 feet high
Active growing season: Protects for 2-4 weeks – always treat new growth
Dormant season: Protects for 3-6 months
100% natural: Safe for people, pets, pollinators and plants
Made in the USA

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Sizes: 3.5 lb, 8 lb, 20 lb
Treats: 1 lb = approx. 500 sq feet
Best for: small critters, plants under 2 feet high, and border applications
Active growing season: Protects for 6-8 weeks
Dormant season: Apply at the start of season & before snow
100% natural: OMRI Listed for organic use
Made in the USA

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Best Value
Sizes: 1 lb, 2.2 lbs, 22 lb
Treats: 1 lb = approx. 400 plants 1 ft high
Best for: plants over 2 feet high
Active growing season: Protects for 2-4 weeks – always treat new growth
Dormant season: Protects for 3-6 months
100% natural: OMRI Listed for organic use
Made in the USA

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