How to Repel Hungry Animals with Plantskydd® Repellents

They’re cute, furry and fun to watch – that is until they begin dining on your landscape. You ruled out fencing, tried scare tactics and maybe even some repellents without success. Using the right product and proper application can help you grow a beautiful and productive garden.

Horticultural expert, Melinda Myers explains how you can enjoy a beautiful garden by keeping critters at bay.

Follow Melinda Myers’ advice on protecting your garden with Plantskydd Animal Repellent so you, too, can be rewarded with a beautiful landscape and productive garden. It is effective against rabbits, deer, voles, elk, moose, chipmunks and squirrels.

Melinda Myers, horticulture expert
Melinda Myers

Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” DVD series and the Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio segments. Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine and was commissioned by Tree World Plant Care Products for her expertise to write this article. Her web site is

Plantskydd is proven effective on deer, rabbits, voles, moose, elk, squirrels, and chipmunks

Shenot Case Study: Eliminating deer damage on newly planted peach and apple trees, pumpkins and other vegetable transplants.

“Those young trees certainly wouldn’t have made it through the first season without significant damage from deer browse and rubbing had we not sprayed them with the repellent.”

Rabbit Damage to Hops Reduced with Plantskydd

Last year we experienced almost a 25% loss due to rabbit and rodent feeding. This year, with the application of Plantskydd, it was 2–3%.

Reducing Deer Damage in 25 Acre Demonstration Vineyard Using Plantskydd Deer Repellent Spray

“After the first application, deer browsing essentially stopped, and deer tracks could still be seen all over the property.”

Deer Depredation Control Demonstration Project at Yellow River State Forest (YRSF), Allamakee County, Iowa, USA.

Submitted by Bruce Blair, Area Forester Background In the spring of 2019, staff of YRSF planted 20,000 bareroot seedlings on 31 acres of retired crop fields. (See figure 1.) The major objectives for planting these fields included: developing quality wildlife habitat, reducing forest fragmentation, improving water and air quality, reducing storm water runoff and producing… Read More

Slocan Field Trial

Slocan Forest Products Ltd. Vavenby Division, Vavenby, BC March 29, 1999 To Whom it May Concern Slocan Forest Products Vavenby Division has been an industry cooperator for the field trials of Plantskydd® since 1996. We treated blocks that were severely impacted by deer browse. At the time approx. 100,000 seedlings per year experienced considerable damage… Read More

Case Study: Preventing deer damage on newly planted fruit trees

“As of the beginning of September I have been seeing a lot of deer in the orchard and I have to say I’m impressed. I’m seeing the deer eat mature trees along fence rows but they’re leaving the young treated trees alone”

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