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Powder Concentrate ( 2.2 Ib ) + Hand-held Sprayer
- Special offer! Purchase the 2.2lb wettable powder concentrate ($59.95) and 1 qt. handheld sprayer ($12.95) together and save $7.95!
- For year-round control of deer, rabbits, elk, moose, hares, voles, squirrels, chipmunks, and other herbivores
- Treats over 900 plants/seedlings 1 foot high. Rainfast in 24 hours.
- Application frequency: Active growing season (2-4 weeks), Dormant Season (3-6 months). Bulbs (spray or dip before planting).
- Made in the USA.
- Easy to use, refillable sprayer designed for wettable powder formulation.
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